Gwynedd Mercy University Reviews

See what GMercyU students love about GMercyU and their majors.


reviews.jpgNursing Program Reviews

“One thing I personally like about the nursing program is how much hands-on experience we get. During clinical, you get the opportunity to perform assessments on patients, give them medication, and even do some procedures on the patients, all with your instructor. And, you get opportunities to go to other units that you might be interested in pursuing. For example, I went to the ER this past semester, someone else went to the ICU, [another] went to the OR, so your instructor really tries to work with you and give you as many opportunities as possible so that when you graduate you’ll have an idea of what type of specialty you’ll want to pursue.”
–Erin Reitmeyer ’21, BSN Major
Posted Spring 2020

“I love everything about my major, but my favorite thing is the practical labs that we get to do every week. This is where we take what we’re learning in lecture and apply it in a hospital room setting. We work on each other to do things such as physical assessments, vital signs, medication administration, and all of that fun stuff. I’m most excited, though, for full clinicals that start next semester. I’m eager to find out where I’ll be placed, as we have over 200 healthcare affiliations around the area. We get to put in practice everything we’ve learned up until this point.”
–Siobhan McShea ’22, BSN Major
Posted Spring 2020

“This year, I went on the Dominican Republic mission trip with my nursing school… What we did was provide medical care [for residents living in poverty] – basically a wellness check or someone coming to urgent care. If they had any medical issues or concerns at all, they came to us during our open clinic hours and we provided supplies and smiles and just the simplest things... [The trip] was a synthesis of my service experiences and my nursing education in one week, and I really loved it. That is my favorite part of being a member of this community – the opportunity to serve people throughout the world."
–Allison Alejo ’20, BSN Major
Posted Spring 2020

Health Professions Program Reviews

“The best things about the [Radiation Therapy] program are the small class sizes and the professors. The small class size bonds you with the other classmates on a personal level, so you kind of all join together to help each other out. We get together to study, go over notes together, and catch each other up if somebody misses something. And the professors are great – they’re always there to help you, setting you up to succeed. They want to see you do well, and they never let you go into anything blind…they will prepare you beforehand, before you go into clinical – what you should do, what you shouldn’t do, and just give you an overview of what’s going to happen. I was very relieved when they did that. It was a very smooth transition going into clinical. It’s so much fun, you learn a lot, the school is amazing.”
–Gionna Fiore ’22, Radiation Therapy Major
Posted Spring 2020

“What I love most about the Respiratory Care Program is that it’s small and tightknit, it feels like a family. The teachers are great – they’re very knowledgeable, they’re very helpful, and you can reach out to them at any time. They try to accommodate you and make you feel as comfortable as possible. You also get a lot of hands-on experience. You get to go around to a lot of great hospitals, see a lot of different things, and learn a lot – and it greatly prepares you for a career in healthcare.”
–Johnicka Young ’20, Respiratory Care Major
Posted Spring 2020

“Some of the things that drew me to this program were the tightknit community and the highly accredited professors that we have on faculty.”
–Ben Dean ’22, Respiratory Care Major
Posted Spring 2020

“One thing that makes our Occupational Therapy program so special is the access to new equipment in Siena Hall – and that our university offers a five-year master’s program. We also have access to a club called SOTA [Student Occupational Therapy Association], which is really awesome to be involved with.”
–Alexis Schambers ’23, Occupational Science Major
Posted Spring 2020


Business and Education Program Reviews

"I transferred to GMercyU in the Spring of 2022. I chose GMercyU because of the small school size and the community that GMercyU has. On campus I have been involved in many ways. I am the Vice President for Education Outreach and a peer mentor for Integrated Studies. I have attended many conferences with the Mercy Center. I have also been an orientation leader and assistant for New Student Orientation."
–Emma Larsson ’25, Early Education and Special Education major
Posted Fall 2024

"Every company needs professionals in finance, so being a finance major can open many opportunities. Don’t think it’s all about the stock market and numbers. The numbers tell a story, and it’s up to us to figure out what they’re telling us. The professors at Gwynedd really care for the students, and because of the small class sizes, it gives students a chance to bond with their professors. I’ve bonded with my professors and it led to internships, job opportunities, and job recommendations."
–Rebecca Joe ’20, Finance Graduate
Posted Winter 2021

“What I love most about the sports management program is the vast number of opportunities that are available to you. Gwynedd does a great job of showing you all that there is to explore.”
–Lucas Gray ’20, Sports Management Major
Posted Spring 2020

“[In my Intro to Digital Communications course], I was able to learn so many different tools and techniques in the digital realm, such as audio production, video production, editing software, and webpage creation. I’m taking an analytics course where I’m able to explore data visualization, and in my Mobile Content Creation course I’m learning about photography, videography, and visual design. If you have any interest whatsoever in any of those things, I would recommend the Digital Communications Program at GMercyU.”
–Shawn DeSantis ’21, Digital Communications Major
Posted Spring 2020

“During my time here I’ve been amazed at the encouragement and caring from my professors, the quality of the curriculum and the practical experience and the incredible, professional opportunities that I have been given throughout my studies. This is a very special place, and you will really grow while you’re here."
–Diego Taylor ’20, Education Major
Posted Spring 2020

Arts & Sciences Program Reviews

"[As a transfer student], Dr. McEliece advocated for my transfer credits and mapped out an entire plan for my leftover coursework so that I could graduate on time, while also having room for classes that interest me. The Biology program has helped me to develop so many different useful skills. Gwynedd being a smaller university has also made it easy for me to develop close relationships with each of my professors."
—Emily Murphy '25, Biology Major
Posted Fall 2024
I am currently on the softball team, and I am the treasurer of the Student Association of Science.  Being part of the softball program helped to ease my transition at a new school as well.
—Kelsey Breisch '23, Bachelor of Social Work
Posted Fall 2023

"The Social Work program has taught me so much more about the career path I want to go on but also about myself, the people around me, and the environment. I have had such a great experience at GMercyU with my professors, making some great friends, and having great experiences."
—Kelsey Breisch '23, Bachelor of Social Work
Posted Fall 2023

"Transferring to GMercyU was one of the best decisions that I made for myself and my academic career. Before transferring, I was at Montgomery County Community College studying Human Services, not knowing what my next move was going to be, and then the pandemic hit. Gwynedd Mercy University was suggested to me by my counselor at Montco. Even though my first semester at Gwynedd was remote through Zoom, it was such a great experience right off the bat. I have learned so much during my two and half years here. It has really shaped me into the student that I am today."
–Casey Kwiatanowski ’23, Bachelor of Social Work
Posted Spring 2023

“What I love about the CIS program is the dedication that our professors and our director have for every student. Our professors create fun in-class labs, projects, and assignments that help prepare us for the real world. Our director, Professor Cindy Casey, always has the best interests of her students first. She helps create schedules that we’re comfortable with and always advises us on what our next best move is.”
–Marilyn Mejia ’22, Computer Information Science / Forensics Major
Posted Spring 2020

“As part of the Criminal Justice Program, I’ve had the opportunity to intern for the federal public defender’s office in Camden, NJ, and this past spring, I interned for the district attorney’s office in Montgomery County, PA. Both of those opportunities helped shaped me both professionally and personally and helped me learn what I wanted to do as a career. I wouldn’t have been able to get there without the help and support of my advisors and professors in the program. One of my favorite things about Gwynedd’s Criminal Justice Program is definitely how close-knit we all are. Whether it be our colleagues or our professors, everyone is here to help each other. There has never been a moment where I held back on asking a question or telling a story or showing up at my professors’ offices, whether about school or personal advice or anything – they are there to help us. There’s never a day that we don’t feel that.”
–Mackenzie Iocona ’20, Criminal Justice Major
Posted Spring 2020

“Something that’s super-unique about the Criminal Justice Program is that we are offered a course called the Inside-Out Prison Exchange Program ®. [We] are able to go into a prison and take class with inmates, and these inmates we refer to as “inside students.” In this course, we’re able to learn about the correctional system, what we need to do to fix the criminal justice system, but most importantly we learned that these inmates are more than just inmates – they are great people who are super intelligent and have really great ideas. We built a lot of great relationships and honestly this was one of the best experiences I’ve had here at Gwynedd. It’s something that I would cherish for the rest of my life.”
–Alyssa Gonzalez ’21, Criminal Justice Major
Posted Spring 2020

"My professors really pushed me to do my best. Even when I was absolutely exhausted with working and outside life, they challenged me to work harder and learn skills that I will carry with me forever. Doc McGrain challenged me to the core with his open-ended essay question exams. Either you knew the information or you didn't. He wanted to make sure you knew every detail of every theory possible, which concluded in hours of listening to his recorded lectures and obsessively studying his notes. Dr. Phillips helped me to finally overcome my public speaking fears when I participated in the University Research Conference with the whole department and Dean listening to my presentation. She also pushed me to learn how to perform research, analyze all the data, and wrap it up in a nice, neat presentation for other students to understand my findings. At GMercyU, I honed communication, problem solving, and critical thinking skills that I use everyday and are crucial in the daily operation of the lab and to satisfy clients with issues that may arise. These skills are used externally with clients and internally with my lab staff since I am the lead at my location."
–Jennifer Jang '19, Criminal Justice Graduate
Posted Fall 2020

“Dr. Rebecca Gullen, Janice Nuss, Stephanie Fratantaro, Mary Reilly – they are exceptional professors. Because of our small, intimate classes of about 10-20 students, each teacher can devote his or her time to helping students and mentoring them, not only with work but also with what they want to do in life, guiding them in terms of their goals and aspirations. Because of the exceptional teaching styles – for example, Dr. Rebecca Gullen taught me research methods and experimental psychology; Stephanie Fratantaro taught me counseling and communication skills; Mary Reilly taught me developmental psychology – I was able to get an internship in my final year at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. I also have to say that the friends I have made in the psychology program… we always looked out for each other, always helped each other. With the experience and the exceptional teachers, I have great foundation in psychology which I can take into my master’s program or into a doctoral program.”
–Sam Memon '20, Psychology Major
Posted Spring 2020

“The most impactful thing here, especially within the psychology program, is the professors. They are tremendously understanding, supportive, and encouraging of any ideas you may have. I found support and opportunities for growth within them, and I thank them tremendously for everything they have done for me, especially within P&SSA [the Psychology & Social Services Association]. My advisors in P&SSA encouraged us to do more for the community, like Painting Away Stress events, Take Back the Night, running a donation drive for women who were previously trafficked, and also raising funds for the Mercy Focus on Haiti. In my time at GMercyU, I learned the importance of service, which encouraged me to be a better leader and advocate for equal opportunities among individuals.”
–Bailey McLaughlin '20, Psychology Major
Posted Spring 2020

“My two favorite things about being a Psychology student at GMercyU are the bonds I’ve made with my fellow students and the overall supportive relationships I’ve been able to have with my teachers. I think we [students] all have a common interest in psych but I also think the community feel and the Critical Concerns of Mercy have brought really great people to GMercyU – and that’s enabled me to make bonds I’ll probably have for the rest of my life. As far as my professors, they all genuinely care about the students’ wellbeing, both in and outside of the academic environment. They also care about the students’ input and the passion they have for what they’re learning. They want their students to love what they’re doing, and therefore, they give their students a lot of really great opportunities to study what they want and conduct experiments of things they want to [learn more about].”
–Giavanna DeMarco '20, Psychology Major
Posted Spring 2020

“[My internship] was a great experience because I am a hands-on learner and being out there in the field allows you to learn about real-life situations… it allows you to apply that textbook learning and what you learned in class to real life.”
–Aminah Johnson ’20, Social Work Major
Posted Spring 2020

“[I attended] Lead Advocacy Day in Harrisburg with other social work students last year. Social work students came from all over the state of PA to advocate for more social workers in schools. We had the chance to talk to state representatives and really explain what we were there for. It was a great experience.”
–Camryn Zeller ’22, Social Work Major
Posted Spring 2020

“I was fortunate enough to do undergrad research with Dr. McClain the summer between my freshman and sophomore year. Dr. McClain and I focused that summer on the long-term effects of alcohol use disorder on the cells in our central nervous system… I was able to perform all of these different lab techniques that as a freshman that I never would’ve gotten my hands on until at least my junior or senior year, which was a really great experience for me. Undergrad research really allowed me to dive into peer review articles … which gave me an understanding of how to read and dissect articles. It also gave me so much confidence in the labs since it was really more a one-on-one lab experience… I also got my first experience in writing a lab report, which is a little bit different than the ones you write in your general labs, so it definitely gave me a great foundation in what I’m now starting, which is writing my thesis. Overall, undergrad research is something that Gwynedd really stands out for. You also get to present your research – I had the opportunity to present my research at SEPCHE, which is an undergraduate research conference for all the schools in this area. And Gwynedd also holds an undergraduate research conference, which is really exciting.”
–Jordan Abelson ’20, Biology Major
Posted Spring 2020