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- Shawn DeSantis
Shawn DeSantis, MBA
Communications, Business Administration 2021, 2023

Current Position: Business Owner Offering Professional Princess Visits of Children's Parties and Events at Your Part Time Princess, LLC and Social Media Manager Helping Small Businesses at DeSantis By DeSign
Story Last Updated: Summer 2024
The Mercy Experience
Experiencing the spirit of mercy is what compelled me to transfer to Gwynedd Mercy University. I felt true mercy and acceptance January of my freshman year. I transferred to GMercyU one week before the semester started. The faculty worked very hard to receive my previous credits and work out a new schedule in very little time.
Courage Through Anxiety
Despite anxiety and fear, I had the courage to transfer to create a better situation for myself. Of course, adjustments take time. Over the course of a year, I started to involve myself in wonderful groups on campus. Shout-out to the Voices of Gwynedd and Campus Ministry!
I have had amazing experiences with all the professors and faculty on campus. I am very open with peers and professors about my struggle with anxiety. Many times, I have been shown mercy and compassion from the GMercyU community. One of my favorite experiences was a conversation I had with an adjunct professor. We often discussed the struggle of anxiety and relying on faith. At the end of the semester she gifted me with a book about trusting God through the struggles of life. It is a memory I will never forget.
Finding My Path
Before transferring, I originally majored in Musical Theater. I wanted to switch to a major that allowed me to continue exploring my theatrical roots while discovering other interests. So, Communications it was! I remember being approached by Carol Evans and the Voices of Gwynedd. The choir and music minor were perfect for me to continue my musical passion.
During this time, I was motivated to start Your Part-Time Princess, my party princess business! Being in the Digital Communications program has helped me with social media representation and multimedia tools for marketing myself.
My communication courses have taught me confidence in content production and video presentation. Overall, I have discovered the importance of being myself both in my daily life and how I represent myself online.
GMercyU truly gave me everything to combine my interests and guide me on the road to success. After graduation, I hope to use the talents and abilities I have learned at GMercyU to grow my business, explore other passions, be myself, and help others in the process. More important than career, financial success, and the notion of “making it” after graduation, I hope to show mercy to others and myself. Out of all the lessons I have learned the past few years at GMercyU, the notion of “mercy” has been the best.
After graduating with my MBA in Strategic Management and Leadership from GMercyU in 2023, I have answered my calling in entrepreneurship through working two companies, Your Part Time Princess, LLC and DeSantis by DeSign, LLC. I celebrated being voted BEST Children's Party Entertainment in Montgomery County, PA. on the Montco Happening List in spring 2024. Within my professional career, I hold dearly the five Critical Concers of the Sisters of Mercy in all that I do, with a special focus on the Critical Concern of Women. Through female entrepreneurship and kindling the young minds of women, I will always hold my Mercy experience daily.