Sustainability at GMercyU

GMercyU’s beautiful, park-like campus spans 145 acres and is dotted with forests, creeks, wetlands, a local hiking trail, and wildlife of all kinds. Caring for this inspirational setting is a labor of love, and that means living green however possible.
Here are some of GMercyU’s many eco-friendly practices around campus.


LED Upgrades 

In 2020, GMercyU partnered with local energy company (PECO) to replace traditional lightbulbs around campus with LED lights, from classrooms to residence halls to the gym, as manpower allows. LED lights consume less energy, which lowers maintenance costs. They also last longer than traditional lighting, and since they generate no warmth, they are safer.

Rain Gardens

To help capture rainwater and filter pollutants while preventing storm run-off, rain gardens have been strategically planted around campus, including one by Griffin Complex and a new one, planted summer 2019, between Assumption Hall and Connelly Faculty Center.

Tobacco-Free, Smoke-Free

In 2017, GMercyU joined college and university campuses across the country in going completely tobacco and smoke-free. The policy prohibits the use of all tobacco and smoke-inducing products in all GMercyU campus locations, including parking areas, helping to reduce litter and pollutants.

Reduced Plastic Bottle Use

Hydration Stations are located strategically around campus and allow students, faculty, and staff to refill their own reusable water bottles, reducing plastic bottle waste and litter.

Sustainable Dining

In partnership with Griffin Dining, GMercyU prioritizes organic, locally sourced food as often as possible, across all campus dining facilities. 

GMercyU’s “Green” Inspiration

The Earth is one of the Critical Concerns of the Sisters of Mercy, who founded GMercyU in 1948. The Sisters of Mercy continue to advocate today in support of environmentally conscious lifestyles and policies.