Registrar ACT 45

Act 45 of 2007 (24 P.S. §12-1205.5) amended Act 48 for school leaders in certain school board approved positions. If you are officially board approved in one of the positions listed below, you are required to earn 180 professional development hours or six credits in a five year period by participating in PA Inspired Leadership (PIL)-approved events. You can only earn Act 45 PIL hours/credits by completing courses offered by PA Inspired Leadership institutions or by completing PDE-approved courses offered by other providers.

The Pennsylvania Department of Education requires all active school and system leaders employed in the following positions: principal, assistant or vice principal, superintendent, assistant superintendent, intermediate unit executive director, intermediate unit assistant director, or director of an area vocational-technical school, to submit six credits of ACT 45 credits within a five year period.

In order for the Registrar’s Office to submit ACT 45 credits students must submit the request below. Gwynedd Mercy University will submit only the courses that fulfill this requirement. No more than six credits will be submitted and they will be submitted in the order that they are received. Those submitted beyond the six credits will not be processed. Courses taken for AUDIT will not be sent to the PA Department of Education.

For more information on ACT 45 and the PA Inspired Leaders program, click here.

Click here to obtain a Professional Personnel ID.

Act 45 Credit Form (online form)