App for ALS Community Films on Campus

News_RoonOTApp.pngGwynedd Mercy University recently hosted Roon, a free app that provides helpful information for people with ALS, Dementia, and Glioblastoma and their caregivers, on campus. The app utilized GMercyU’s Occupational Therapy facilities and equipment.

Sara Feldman, DPT, a physical therapist specializing in ALS and wife of GMercyU Simulation Technician Bob Feldman, serves as a content provider for Roon and saw GMercyU’s facilities as the ideal place for filming due to its well-earned reputation for excellence.

Roon, accessible at, is renowned for providing expert guidance to individuals and families grappling with ALS-related questions and challenges. Content filmed at GMercyU were on topics such as mobility and transfers. Once loaded onto the ROON platform, which reaches a worldwide audience, the content will provide answers to many questions and give them access to experts who can assist them.